Launch (v.) – \lȯnch, länch\: “To get started, to spring forward, to take off” Within you God has placed the potential for His kingdom to take off and begin an exponential growth process. Growing and multiplying, transforming not only your own life, but multiplying forward into the world around you! This growth, empowered by an invitation to be part of His family, happens in very similar way to how Jesus trained his own disciples. Pastor David shares his heart to see people become inspired by the process Jesus showed us called discipleship and take off in their relationship with God. This process is a lifestyle of following Jesus that can look very much like building a family. In this video, he talks about the lifestyle of discipleship that can be experienced through Launch Groups here at New Life. As he answers these two important questions, you will be able to see how God wants you to spring forward in your relationship with Jesus. 1. What is ‘Discipleship’ and why is it important for me? 2. What is ‘Launch’ and how can I get involved? Jesus made new disciples by inviting them to follow Him in His mission, and begin a relationship with Himself, and at the same time, showing them how to grow in relationship with God. Discple-making is our lifestyle here at New Life. Launch is where you can become a part. This is where we are building thriving communities of faith. We do this by training followers of Jesus to ‘Launch’ their faith and grow closer to Jesus, by building a deep community that follows Jesus together with other believers as family, and by living for the mission of Jesus Christ to seek and to save the lost. Send us a message on our Facebook Page, email the church at or see the ‘4 Steps to Get Connected’ table in our lobby to find out more about it and begin your own ‘Launch’ journey with God.