Rocket Car Family Event- March 23rd 1-4PM
Goals: lowest car weight, highest payload weight, farthest distance traveled
*You may use 1-3 balloons to power your car
*use only supplies provided or exact replacements
*Your car must have at least 3 wheels that touch the ground- these wheels MAY NOT be any manufactured wheel.
*Your car must transport a payload. Payload will be provided at time of race and will fit in provided payload cup.
*You may add passengers and decor.
*You may use tape and glue as needed.
Supplies given are: 3 balloons, body of car, 5 straws, 2 wooden skewers, 5 rubber bands, and 1 payload cup. **see Mark of Faith Barron for a kit**
Create your car at home and bring it ready to race! Lunch will be available as a WALKING TACO FUNDRAISER. COOKIES will be available to purchase for dessert. All donations will be used for GIRLS RETREAT in JUNE!