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Sunday Morning February 16th, 2025 “Time to Fight! (I declare war!)”

“Time to Fight! (I declare war!)’ Are you hungry for more of Jesus? Bottom line: The fight to follow Jesus is on! And it is a full-fledged, all out battle. Can you have more Jesus in your life and be more like Him? Yes! He has made you powerful to reject evil and follow Him!

Wednesday Morning Bible Study “Proverbs” with Pastor Harry and Dawn

Every one of us experience both bad and good relationships to the point where we can give up on them. But God calls us to be mindful of having a good relationship with Him and others. Join us as we study the difference between bad relationships and good relationships.

Wednesday Night bible study with Pastor David and Pastor Harry

Many of us like to think about the blessings of God, but do the Scriptures actually indicate that we would share in the sufferings of Christ? The Apostle Peter knew quite a bit about suffering and offers some insight. Join us today as we read from 1 Peter 3:13-17.